
Search VuFind By Standard Identifier

Search by ISN

curl --location --request GET '/api/v1/search?lookfor=&type=ISN&sort=relevance&page=1&limit=20&prettyPrint=false&lng=en' \
--header 'language=en; ui=standard'

Search by Title/Author Name

curl --location -g --request GET '/api/v1/search?join=AND&lookfor0[]=dickens&type0[]=Author&lookfor0[]=dickens&type0[]=Title&sort=relevance&page=1&limit=20&prettyPrint=false&lng=en' \
--header 'language=en; ui=standard'

Example Response

    "resultCount": 1,
    "records": [
            "authors": {
                "primary": {
                    "Lehmann, Chris": []
                "secondary": [],
                "corporate": []
            "formats": [
            "id": "42607fd2-5823-4f89-8063-327ec5b8603b",
            "languages": [
            "series": [
                    "name": "Paradigm (Chicago, Ill.) ;",
                    "number": "7."
            "subjects": [
                    "Mass media and culture"
                    "Mass media and culture."
                    "Popular culture",
                    "United States"
                    "Popular culture",
                    "United States."
                    "Popular culture"
                    "Popular culture."
                    "United States"
                    "United States."
            "title": "Revolt of the masscult /",
            "urls": []
    "status": "OK"

Checking Request Status

Getting an Auth Token From Okapi

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: princeton' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "username": "",
    "password": ""

Auth Response

The Response will contain an x-okapi-token header that can be used to make authenticated requests to Okapi.

Check Loan Status

curl --location --request GET '/rs/patronrequests/' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Token: ' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: '

Pickup Locations

Location Name Location Slug LMS Location Code
Architecture Library PUL_arch arch
East Asian Library PUL_eastasian eastasian
Engineering Library PUL_engineer engineer
Firestone Library PUL_firestone firestone
Lewis Library PUL_lewis lewis
Mendel Music Library PUL_mendel mendel
Stokes Library PUL_stokes stokes

Example Location Data from Response

"resolvedPickupLocation": {
        "id": "a08ef905-0e95-4ac5-b691-c946829ab679",
        "slug": "PUL_firestone",
        "tags": [
                "id": 8,
                "normValue": "pickup",
                "value": "pickup"
        "lmsLocationCode": "firestone",
        "name": "Firestone Library",
        "type": {
            "id": "2c90bab7813f87b20181704c5cd10479"
        "status": {
            "id": "2c90bab7813f87b20181704c5cd4047b",
            "value": "managed",
            "label": "Managed",
            "owner": {
                "id": "2c90bab7813f87b20181704c5cd3047a",
                "desc": "DirectoryEntry.Status",
                "internal": false
        "parent": {
            "id": "246cd946-56ef-5f40-aa2f-b1c5b89d3e07",
            "name": "Princeton University",
            "fullyQualifiedName": "Princeton University"
        "tagSummary": "pickup",
        "symbolSummary": "No symbols",
        "fullyQualifiedName": "Princeton University / Firestone Library"