Alma is our Library Services Platform


User Login

  • Production Login URL -
  • Sandbox Login URL -


  • Production
  • Sandbox

Active Integrations

NCIP (Resource Sharing Integrations)

SCSB and other systems that facilitate resource sharing leverage this interface.

Alma Publishing

Daily Job that publishes added/updated/delete records to the Library Catalog

Peoplesoft Financials

Three daily jobs that keep Alma in sync with the University financial system.

  • Voucher Feed
  • Fund Adjustment
  • Invoice Status (Payment Confirmation)

Person Feed

Daily job that adds/updates patrons in Alma based on active PUL community members in Peoplesoft.

Bursar Feed

Two Part weekly job that deals with fine payments, credits, and account blocks.

POD Export Feed

Daily job that adds/updates/deletes Princeton metadata in POD.

SCSB SubmitCollection Feed

Daily job that adds/updates/deletes Princeton metadata in SCSB.

Recap Partner Renewal Job

Daily job that processes renewal requests for partner SCSB items loaned to Princeton patrons. Also leverages NCIP.