
ArchivesSpace is our Archival Content Management System. It contains our archival data of record.


  • Product Owner: Will Clements
  • Technical Lead: Regine Heberlein
  • Governance: ArchivesSpace Operation Group (SC)
  • Slack channel: #aspace_help
  • github repo tracking our config options:

Active Integrations:

  • Alma
    • aspace2alma: This integration is maintained in-house. It runs on lib_jobs (but is not a rails app) from the aspace_helpers/reports/aspace2alma directory. It sends collection-level records, holdings, and items to Alma.
    • as_marcao plugin: This integration relies on a plugin made for us by Hudson Molonglo. It sends component records and holdings for select collections.
  • pulfalight: hourly incremental update of the finding aids site
  • figgy: digital repository persists DAOs to ArchivesSpace
  • abid: generates absolute identifiers and saves them to ArchivesSpace


  • contact Will Clements for an account
  • Prod login:
  • Staging login:


  • documentation:
  • Prod base URL:
  • Staging base URL:

Server support:

  • Hosting institution: Lyrasis
  • Email:

Setting up local development

Based on this documentation

git clone
cd archivesspace
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
cd ./common/lib && wget && cd -
echo "java openjdk-19.0.2" > .tool-versions
asdf plugin add java
asdf install
./build/run bootstrap (it took 2 minutes and 45 seconds)
gzip -dc ./build/mysql_db_fixtures/accessibility.sql.gz | mysql --host= --port=3306  -u root -p123456 archivesspace
brew install supervisord
supervisord -c supervisord/archivesspace.conf
  • The staff interface will be at http://localhost:3000/ (username is admin, password is admin)
  • The PUI will be at http://localhost:3001/
  • The API will be at http://localhost:4567/
  • You can access the database with mysql --host= --port=3306 -u root -p123456 archivesspace

Using Supervisord

run all of the services

supervisord -c supervisord/archivesspace.conf

run in api mode (backend + indexer only)

supervisord -c supervisord/api.conf

run just the backend (useful for trying out endpoints that don’t require Solr)

supervisord -c supervisord/backend.conf

Installing a plugin in your local development

  1. cp common/config/config-example.rb common/config/config.rb
  2. Edit the plugin array in config/config.rb to add your plugin.
  3. Add the code for your plugin to the plugins directory.
  4. Ctrl+C your supervisord and start it again.