
Our team tracks our work on our Zenhub board.

Here are descriptions of some of the columns on the board:

Column Meaning
New Issues Items that have not yet been triaged
Icebox Items that are not currently a high priority and are not actively being considered for a future work cycle
Backlog Items that are designated for a future work cycle but are not an immediate priority
UI/UX UI items that aren’t part of typical work cycles
Next Work Cycle Priority items that are to be included in the upcoming work cycle
Ready Items that are of a high priority and are ready to be worked on
Stakeholder Review Items that are blocked awaiting from feedback from colleagues who are not on the DACS team
Review/QA Issues typically attached to a pull requests that need review or other input from DACS team members before they can be closed

Story points

When using Epic tickets do not actually assign points to the ticket itself, Epics are the sum of the points of their assigned individual tickets.

Number of points Meaning
1 point A small amount of time
2 points 1/2 day
3 points 1 day
5 points 2-3 days
8 points 1 week
13 points Needs to be broken down into smaller tickets

The Board Manager Role

Every sprint a different team member rotates to the role of “board manager”. This individual shares the board with the team during stand-ups and planning meetings and leads us through a discussion of the board. The board manager role should be assumed by a Team member who plans to be in the office for entire sprint. The board manager also executes a deployment of all our applications to staging and production during the course of their week as the board manager.

Deployments as the Board Manager

The board manager executes a production and staging deploy of each of our DACS applications.

  1. Go to Ansible Tower.
  2. Execute a Deployment with Capistrano for each DACS application for those applications that have a staging and production environment.