DACS Meetings
Daily 15 Minute Stand-up
- Pre-populate agenda with items that require team discussion.
- Review the team Zenhub Board
- When product owners or stakeholders are joining a work cycle they will be invited to that cycle’s meetings.
- Discuss any blockers folks would like to pair on.
- Daily connection with the team.
- Briefly discuss topics that don’t work well on slack.
Work Cycle Planning
- Held at the start of work cycle, currently Monday. Pre-populate agenda with items for longer form discussion.
- We include product owners or other stakeholders in these meetings if they are engaged in planning and executing the work cycle.
- Make sure all tickets included in ready column for the work cycle are actionable and understood by team members.
- Decide on any stakeholders we might want to invite to a demo, to be held at the end of the work cycle.
- Discuss any blockers or challenges team members forsee for the upcoming work cycle that they would like input on.
Ticket Backlog Refinement
- Held in the middle of a work cycle
- Include product owners or other stakeholders in these meetings if they are engaged in planning and executing an upcoming work cycle.
- Review and point tickets that the team should be included in the upcoming week cycle starting the following.
- Triage any tickets recently added to the “new” column that have not yet been attended to.
- Populate The “Next Work Cycle” Column on the Zenhub board with reviewed and pointed tickets for the next work cycle.
Friday Bi-weekly Work Cycle Wrap-up and Work Cycle Retrospective
- Hold on the final day of each work cycle, currently a Friday.
- When product owners or stakehoders are joining a work cycle they will be invited to that cycle’s wrap-up meeting.
- Past Retrospective Discussions
- Conduct any demonstrations required for product owners or other stakeholders who are attening the meeting.
- Agree which uncompleted tickets shoudl be returned to the backlog or should be prioritized for the next work cycle.
- Agree on the tickets that will be moved from the “Next Work Cycle Column” to the “Ready” column for the work cycle starting on Monday.
- Make sure everyone is comfortable that they have a ticket in the next work cycle they can start work on when the next cycle begins.
- Conduct a timeboxed retrospective. Try and hold this to 25 minutes.
Standing Meeting Schedule
| Week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | | :–: | :—————————— | :————- | :————- | :————- | :————————————————————– | | 1 | Work Cycle Planning (cycle begins) | Daily Check-in | Daily Check-in | Daily Check-in | Daily Check-in | | 2 | Ticket Backlog Refinement | Daily Check-in | Daily Check-in | Daily Check-in | Daily Check-in; Sprint Wrap-up and Retrospective(work cycle end); |
Quarterly Work Cycle Planning Meetings
- Hold approximately every three months
- Discuss and update the team Project Board
- Agree a tentative schedule for upcoming work cycles
Technical Discussions
We reserve an hour a week on Friday for a technical discussion. This can be an experimental topic, a demonstration of a new tool, or an extension of work on an existing ticket that would benefit from the entire team’s input. This is an informal meeting where the only requirement is that we focus on technology and code.
Ad Hoc Meetings
Sometimes it is necessary to schedule ad hoc meetings. When doing so please be mindful of the following suggestions:
- Provide a buffer btw the next half hourly increment and the meeting being scheduled
- Generally meetings will be 25 or 50 minutes.