McMullen’s Unisort Cards

Entries in the database were keyed in at Princeton University from data on punch cards that had been compiled by Haynes McMullen. A glance at the punched cards, which have all been scanned, shows that the database was compiled over decades. In fact, some of the information was gathered by Jesse Shera, who turned it over to Haynes McMullen. Although long interested in library history (McMullen’s doctoral dissertation at Chicago was on the history of the University of Chicago Library), the major effort in gathering the data that is recorded here began in 1951. That was the year when McMullen left practicing librarianship to become a library educator. He retired from the library school of the University of North Carolina.

The scanned cards sometimes provide information additional to that recorded in the database. In addition, the scanned cards enable the user of the database to verify information in it. This is especially important because it has not been possible to proofread the database entries against the cards.

On the cards Professor McMullen used the following symbols:
