
The Davies Project maintained a blog, or comment-board, between 2004 and 2019. Below are the entries extracted from this resource.


Blog Entries
On 2019-10-22 13:19:51 glauber wrote:
Library Name: Protestant Episcopal Society for Advancement of Christianity
Location: Charleston, SC

I am researching black literacy for an exhibition of Dave Drake's pottery for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I am wondering when the Library accessioned Frederick Douglass's autobiography and Dave Walker's appeal.

With thanks,
Barbara Glauber
On 2019-10-22 13:16:11 glauber wrote:
Library Name: Samuel Gifford's Circulating Library
Location: Charleston, SC

I am researching black literacy for an exhibtion of the pottery of Dave Drake for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I am wondering when the library accessioned Frederick Douglass's autobiography and Dave Walker's Appeal.

with thanks,
Barbara Glauber
On 2019-10-22 13:13:58 glauber wrote:
Library Name: Franklin Library Society
Location: Charleston, SC

I am researching slave literacy for an exhibition of Dave Drake's pottery for the Metropolitan Museum. I am wondering when the library accessioned Frederick Douglass autobiography and Dave Walker's Appeal.

With thanks,
Barbara Glauber
On 2019-10-22 11:54:52 glauber wrote:
Library Name: YMCA
Location: Columbia, SC

I am researching slave literacy for an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I would like to know when the library accessioned Frederick Douglass's autobiography and Dave Walker's appeal?

my thanks,
Barbara Glauber
On 2019-10-22 11:45:49 glauber wrote:
Library Name: Columbia Library Society
Location: Columbia, SC

I am wondering when the Library accessioned Frederick Douglass's autobiography and Dave Walker's appeal.I am researching literacy among slaves for an exhibition of Dave Drake's pottery for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

My thanks,
Barbara Glauber
On 2019-10-22 11:26:12 glauber wrote:
Library Name: Female Library Soc.
Location: Edgefield, SC

When did the library accession Frederick Douglass's autobiography and wondering when the library acquired Dave Walker's Appeal? My thanks,
Barbara Glauber
On 2019-07-08 09:23:59 Jim Green wrote:
Library Name: Library Co. of Phila. & Loganian Library
Location: Philadelphia, PA

shouldn't the Loganian Library have its own entry?
On 2017-12-08 14:16:12 Matthew Goddard wrote:
Library Name: Episcopal Church
Location: Sarcamento, CA

"Sarcamento" is misspelled
On 2015-07-07 11:24:12 Stuart Stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Warren Library Association
Location: Trumbull County, Ohio

Extent to which local elite assumed support of early social libraries? Of the seventy members of the Warren Library Association's outstanding shares, 1856, descendents of the prominent Perkins family invested $480 of $945. 15% of the subscribers had contributed three-fourths of the $945. Charles and William Smith contributed $75. Census data on estates of Smiths? See Western Reserve Chronicle March 18, 1857.
On 2011-10-27 10:10:46 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: John Dabney's Circulating Library
Location: Salem, MA

Image of bookplate for this circulating library and other details at
On 2011-06-01 23:02:54 John Renjilian wrote:
Library Name: Library Association of St Joseph
Location: St Joseph, MO

The name of the newspaper reporting on the Library Association of St Joseph, MO, was apparently deleted in transmission; The paper was the St Joseph Weekly Herald.
On 2011-06-01 22:55:48 John Renjilian wrote:
Library Name: Library Association of St Joseph
Location: St Joseph, MO

The St. Joseph, MO, weekly herald of 7 June 1866 (no page number) contains the report of the Board of Directors of the Library Association of St. Joseph. Formed 1 May 1865 as the Ladies Library Association, by 11 May it merged with the Mercantile Library Association under the above name. With two recent large additions, "the number of volumes now upon our shelves is about 1500. . . . Our catalogue comprises the best selection of standard works, embracing History, Biography, Poetry, Philosophy, Belle Lettres, Fiction, &c." The librarian reported "our rooms have been constantly [in italics] visited by at least one hundred persons during the past year, and that the number of volumes read by each would average 25, making a total of 25,000 furnished by the Library. . . . The entire list of members during the past year comprised only one hundred and forty-nine persons." The library had "recently moved" to a "splendid and capacious Hall above the State Bank, on the corner of Fourth and Felix streets. . . . [H}ereafter it will be known as Library Hall." Lectures by John G Saxe and Bayard Taylor were sponsored by the library in 1865, "though the financial results were not the most satisfactory to us." Fundraising efforts (three "Festivals" and a "Concert") outside of membership fees totaled $1,069.45, and the "greater portion of these funds has been devoted to the purchase of books." The report is signed by L M Lawson, President; newly elected officers include C B Wilkinson, Pres; L M Lawson, VP; Mrs W Jones, 2nd VP; S S McGibbons, Treas; Rev R H Weller, Secre; and directors Mrs S S McGibbons, Mrs Jourdan, Mrs Townsend, Washington Jones, J A Walsworth, and C B Norris.

Two articles, totaling approximately 11 column inches.weekly
On 2011-01-21 17:07:55 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: "Coonskin Library"
Location: Amesville, OH

Website for the Coonskin Library
On 2010-12-06 13:46:15 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: New York Society Library
Location: New York, NY

Now online -- See

The New York Society Library's earliest surviving charging ledger, which records borrowing activity during the period between July 1789 and April 1792.

On 2010-11-12 19:39:43 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Soldiers Free Library
Location: Washington, DC

The Soldiers Free Library was founded on October 15, 1862 in Washington, D.C. by Elida Rumsey (1841-1919) and her future husband John Allen Fowle. The library opened with 1,500 books and 800 magazines. Both Rumsey and Fowle were actively involved in relief work for Union soldiers in the Washington, D.C. area. .....
More at
On 2010-08-27 21:23:03 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Painesville Library Aociation Library
Location: Painesville, Lake Co., Ohio

Had 25 periodical subscriptions in Spring of 1844; offered books for auction
in late 1844.
Painesville Telegraph, Feb. 18, 1841; May 5, 1841; March 1, 1841.
On 2010-08-27 21:14:46 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Painesville public library
Location: painesville lake co, ohio

A social library; apparently operated less than a year when books were sold at auction"
Painesville Telegraph Sept. 1, 1824
On 2010-08-27 21:05:02 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Nelson Library Company
Location: Nelson, Portage County, Ohio

In re founding date:1829----library was established "probaBLY

IN RE FOUNDING DATE: 1829----library was organized "probably as early as 1820"
H T. Upton, History of the Western Reserve, 693.

On 2010-08-27 20:49:50 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Orangeville Library
Location: Orangeville, Trumbull Co, Ohio

"...a library was started by Elam Jones who brought a few books from Connecticut in 1805 and serve
some years as librarian"
H.Z. Williams and Bros. Trumbull and Mahoning County Ohio (Cleveland, 1882), II, 272.
On 2010-04-27 20:43:22 Rob Ostrander wrote:
Library Name: Samuel London's Circulating Library
Location: New York, NY

The unisort card which is attached to this record confirms Jim Green's observation: Loudon not London.
On 2010-04-20 10:36:10 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Dartmouth College - Social Friends Library
Location: Hanover, NH

See report on 1829 letter from a student member of the Society, at the following URL:
On 2010-03-28 20:10:51 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Paris and Woodstock Library
Location: Paris, Maine

Paris and Woodstock (Maine) Library. Articles of Association, 1845.

In the mss collections of the American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA) "... is an interesting example of the spontaneous rise of library associations in the period before the arrival of the public library. The incorporators of the Paris and Woodstock stated that the library's objects were to be "Historical information, religious instruction, and the advancement of the laws of CHRIST." Membership (50 cents for a share) was open to both men and women although the seven incorporators were all men.
[per] Thomas Knoles, American Antiquarian Society

Image of first page of articles of association:

On 2010-03-01 22:58:11 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Ann Arbor Circulating Library
Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Label pictured at
This volume may be kept ____ days. ____
cents will be charged for each additional day.
Soiling, tearing, or breaking books is a spe-
cies of Vandalism entirely without excuse. A
fine of from six to fifty cents will be taxed for
every such outrage committed on this volume.

Label dated to the 1830s
On 2009-11-25 13:37:28 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Theological Institute
Location: East Windsor, CT

Official name of this seminary was 'Theological Institute of Connecticut'. This is the name which is embossed or blindstamped on books owned by the seminary. Founded 1833, moved to Hartford in 1865, renamed in 1884 'Hartford Theological Seminary.' HTS library purchased by Emory in 1975.
On 2009-11-11 17:13:20 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: French and English Circulating Library and Dramatic Repository
Location: Philadelphia , PA

Advert. on page 4 of Marcg 28, 1835, Gentleman's Vade Mecum, or the Sporting and Dramatic Companion (Philadelphia). Address: No. 16 South Sixteenth Street.
On 2009-10-23 11:37:11 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Hallowell Circulating Library
Location: Hallowell, ME

See specimen of
Glazier, Masters Circulating Library Jacket.
Hallowell, Maine: October, 1828.
at the following URL
On 2009-04-16 11:12:12 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Newburg Social Library Society
Location: Newburg, Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Newburg Social Library Society, 1830 should probably be Newbury Library Company, 1830, Geauga County, Ohio; Newburg Library Society, 1827 should remain.
On 2009-03-31 11:02:12 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Apprentices' Library Assoc.
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Posted on SHARP-L // 31 March 2009

Another early reading room of note was established by the Brooklyn Apprentices' Library Association founded in 1823. Follow this link for more information on the Library and related stories about its development:

Deirdre E. Lawrence
Principal Librarian
Brooklyn Museum
On 2009-03-18 11:50:40 Steve Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Brown University - United Brothers Society
Location: Providence, RI

Copies of books once in this library are at both Brown and Princeton. To find them, search the phrase "United Brothers Library" in the main catalogs of these univ. libraries.
On 2009-01-11 16:44:45 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Olmsted Library Co.
Location: Olmsted, OH

In 1823 (or 1826?) charles Hyde Olmstead offered to donate 500 of his father's bvooks in Oxford Connecticut to the residents of Lenox, Ohio...The books traveled by Oxcart over 600 miles of rugged terain...About 150 of the original books an be found in a display in the North Olmstead Branch Library. The community agreed to change the name of the town to "Olmstead" in his honor.

Founded in 1823 (or 1826?),Size at founding 500 volumes, some lost or damaged in 600 mile transit from Oxford Conn. Known as the Oxcart Library. About 125 volumes of the original library on display at the North Olmsted Branch of the
Cuyahoga Public Library at North Olmsted Ohio. Details at Http://; and

On 2009-01-07 16:43:18 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Jefferson Library Company
Location: Jefferson, Ohio

Founding date: 1817; From the founding document: "Education and general knowledge of historical events is beneficial to mankind...for turning down a leaf in a book belonging to the library the fine for such leaf turned or folded shall be three cents...Provided also that the fine for lending a book to one that is not a proprietor shall be half the value of said book..The books to be purchased for the library shall be at least two-thirds historical...Novels---profane or obscene books shall not be admitted....This document is in the Henderson Memorial Public Library, Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio. Also Ashatabula Genealogical Society, History of Ashtabula County, Ohio, 1985, 91.
On 2009-01-07 12:03:31 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: warren Library Association
Location: Warren, Ohio

Founding Date: 1848; Cessation date: 1854; L D. Size: 1854: 2000 vols. (sold at auction). In 1848 Jacob Perkins and others started the Warren Library AssociaTION. The books of the earlier library [Porter and Ide's Circulating Library] were transferred to the Asociation and a reading room was opened. George Van Gorde was librarian for about three years. It was supported by private subscription and "entertainments", mostly lecture programs. Later the reading room was closed and the library was moved to the office of M. O. Leggett. It was open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Stockholders were charged $.50 a year; non-stockholders, $1 per year. Stiffler, Antecedents. 23.
On 2009-01-07 11:48:52 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Porter and Ide's Circulating Library
Location: Warren, Ohio

Founding Date: about 1843; Cessation date: 1847; "Wheat, corn, hay, oats, butter, fallow, and most kinds of produce will be received for subscription to Porter and Ide's circulating library" Western Reserve Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1842, quoted in H. T. Upton, History of the Western Reserve, 202; Stiffler, Antecedents, 22-23.
On 2009-01-01 10:53:55 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Mechanics Association In Akron
Location: Akron, Ohio

Founding Date: 1846; Size at Founding: 250 Cessation date: 1858; Also, Akron High School Library (Public), Founding date: 1853; Akron Lecture Association, Founding date: 1865; Akron Library Association, Founding date, 1866: Free Public Library of Akron, Founding date: 1874. See Stiffler, Antecedents...(2007).( These may be in database but I couldn't find them.0
On 2009-01-01 10:33:45 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Sandusky City Lyceum
Location: Sandusky, Ohio

Foundingdate: 1837; Cessation date: 1842; Size: 1842?, 300 vols.
Also: Philomathesian Society, Founding date: 1842; Cessation date: 1855; Size at founding: 72; Young Mens Literary Association,Founding date: 1855: Size at Founding: 72 See Stiffler, Antecedents...(2007)
On 2009-01-01 10:24:34 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Jefferson "Public Library"
Location: Jefferson, Ohio

original founding date: 1817 See Stiffler, Antecedents...: OAHQ, Vol 27(1918)
On 2009-01-01 10:19:56 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Bedford Library Company
Location: Bedford, Ohio

(Re)founding Date; 1848; Last date size: 43 See Stiffler, Antecedents...(2007)
On 2009-01-01 10:16:50 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Hudson Public Library
Location: Hudson, Ohio

Cessation Date shoud be: 1826, not 1820. See Stiffler, Antecedents...(2007)

On 2009-01-01 10:12:54 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Wadsworth Farmers Library
Location: Wadsworth, Ohio

Founding Date: 1823; See Stiffler, Antecedents...: OAHQ, Vol 27, 1918.
On 2009-01-01 10:09:07 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Chardon Public Library
Location: Chardon, Ohio

Founding Date: 1848; Cessation Date: 1858 See Stiffler, Antecedents...;OAHQ, v. 27 (1918).
On 2009-01-01 09:50:47 stuart stiffler wrote:
Library Name: Mentor Library Company
Location: Mentor, Ohio

Founded 1819 collection size, 1859: 79 Collection size, 1860: 194 See Stuart Stiffler, Antecedents of the Public Library in the Western Reserve, 1800-1860; An Addendum (2007); Ohio Archaeological and Historical Review Vol 27 (1918) Appendices A and B.
On 2008-08-25 08:27:09 rajendra wrote:
Library Name: Whitpain Twp. Library
Location: hyd, andhrapradesh

On 2008-08-25 08:25:16 rajendra wrote:
Library Name: neousys
Location: hyd, andhrapradesh

i want know about IT
On 2008-04-29 20:58:06 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Whitpain Twp. Library
Location: Whitpain, PA

Copy of the _Act of incorporation, bye-laws, and catalogue of books, of the Whitpain Library Company_ is available at the Beinecke Library, according to their Uncatalogued Acquisitions Database as of 29 April 2008.
Accession Number
Date Entered
20 Aug 2007
Call Number
Whitpain Library Company
Act of incorporation, bye-laws, and catalogue of books, of the Whitpain Library Company.
Printed by D. Sower, Jr.
Physical Description
1 v.
On 2008-04-19 09:28:20 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Second Social Library
Location: Standish, ME

At the American Antiquarian Society is now available:

Second Social Library, Standish Maine. Records, 1832-1841.

This volume contains the constitution and records of meetings of the Second Social Library, founded as noted in the constitution by people living at some distance from the village center. The constitution begins thus: "We the Subscribers, inhabitants of the town of Standish anxious to acquire a knowledge of past time as well as passing events and believing that a good portion of our time and that of our Children may be well imployed in reading and living remote from the Central Vilage in this town but in the Vicinity of each other and believeing it to be highly important in a republicon government where each one is Caled upon to perform his part in the government either in the discharge of his duties of his office or by his vote and for him to do it with Clearness of mind and soundness of judgment it is necessary for him to have some knowledge of the history of his Cuntry and we further believe that ignorance is degrading that it is the nursery of Vice and despotism and that it is in a great measure by her that tyrants and superstition reign and we also believe that that the situation of our country our selves and our children call upon us for such an institution. Therefore we have united and hereby unite to form ourselves in a Society or body politic for the purpose of holding and preserving a library under the following rules." The volume also includes a record of the sale of the library books at auction in 1841.
[This text by Thomas Knoles of AAS and published in the 2008 AAS Adopt-a-Book catalogue as number 53.]
On 2007-08-28 16:50:33 Clynell Hibbs wrote:
Library Name: Santa Fe High School
Location: Edmond, OK

Santa Fe High School's collection of 20,000 books represents a current and diverse collection responsive to the recreational reading and research needs of 2,000 high school students. The collection addresses both the research needs of Advanced Placement and Credit Recovery classes.
On 2007-05-24 13:57:19 Dr. Barbara Bonous-Smit wrote:
Library Name: American Numismatic Society Library
Location: 96 Fulton St., NY

Old address; 155th Street & Broadway, NY, NY

I'm completing an article on the American Numismatic Society (ANS) library and librarians for "Library History." I can send some information about the library to you. I worked there as their cataloger between 2000-2004. Here is some basic information about the ANS Library:

The American Numismatic Society Library (ANS)was organized in 1858 by one of its founders, James D. Foskett, to foster academic scholarship in numismatics (coins, medals, and related objects). Foskett served as ANS Librarian between November 3, 1858 to March 11, 1864. Other Librarians between 1850-1876 included: ANS founder, Edward Groh (1837-1925), from March 11, 1864 to February 9, 1865); Frank Leathe, from February 9, 1865 to March 22, 1866); Daniel Parish, Jr. (1842-1914), from March 22, 1866 to March 25, 1869); and Dr. Isaac F. Wood (1841-1895), from March 25, 1869 to March 16, 1880).
On 2007-04-30 11:55:26 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Lexington Athenaeum
Location: Lexington, KY

Frank Leslie Combs, of Lexington, wrote to William Smith Shaw of the Boston Athenaeum on June 13, 1817, stting that an athenaeum had just been established and asking Shaw to send the books he had promised if an athenaeum were established; see Joseph B. Felt, Memorials of William Smith Shaw (Boston, 1852), 313-14.
On 2007-04-30 11:46:04 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Athenaeum
Location: New York, NY

The New York Athenaeum opened on Dec. 13, 1824; see Austin Keep, History of the New York Society Librray (1908), 324.
On 2007-02-17 07:03:46 Abdol wrote:
Library Name: Apprentices
Location: Albany, NY

On 2007-02-17 07:01:41 Abdol wrote:
Library Name: Apprentices
Location: Albany, NY

On 2006-12-10 12:13:48 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Cone Library and Reading Room
Location: Great Barrington, MA

The Cone Library and Reading Room was founded in 1869 by Henry D. Cone, a prosperous papermaker with a huge mill on the nearby Housatonic River. The bookplate of the Library reproduces Cone's handwritten statement that the library was founded for his employees but would be open to all. See also C.Taylor, History of Great Barrington (1882), p. 423. "maintained and constantly supplied with new books by Mr. and Mrs. Cone." []. See also listing in the 1875 Census of Massachusetts (Vol. 1, Population and Social Statistics) which gives a county by county listing of libraries in the Commonwealth, including sunday school libraries. []
On 2006-12-03 00:49:12 tammy burris wrote:
Library Name: State Library
Location: Annapolis, MD

any information on 1800s printer john d toy and 1800s publisher pheonix wood i have a undated bible with the above printer and publisher it is the frederic codman family bible thank you so much i have been searching for over 2 years
On 2006-10-05 16:46:14 Mark Maier wrote:
Library Name: Ladies Library Association
Location: Hillsdale, MI

The date is actually 1879, not 1876.
On 2006-10-05 14:29:24 Mark Maier wrote:
Library Name: Ladies Library Association
Location: Hillsdale, MI

On 2006-06-09 15:48:55 SMITH wrote:
Library Name: Seventies Library
Location: Nauvoo, IL

newspaper stories 1844
On 2006-02-05 23:26:17 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Social Library
Location: Bridgeport, CT

The Bridgeport entry now points to the correct data card
On 2006-02-01 18:09:19 Michael Golrick wrote:
Library Name: Social Library
Location: Bridgeport, CT

Card pictured says Bozrah, not Bridgeport.

Michael A. Golrick
City Librarian
Bridgeport Public Library 203/576.7777 (office)
925 Broad Street 203/333.0253 (fax)
Bridgeport CT 06604-4871
On 2006-01-31 16:04:27 Donna DiMichele wrote:
Library Name: Redwood Library and Athenaeum
Location: Newport, RI

This library has been beautifully renovated. I recommend visiting it if you travel to Newport, Rhode Island.
On 2006-01-28 01:02:41 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Social Library
Location: Epsom, NH

Transcription of the
EPSOM Social Library / RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Epsom Social Library, Adopted March 14, 1801.
can be found at
On 2006-01-28 00:53:12 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Second Social Library
Location: Deerfield, MA

Scan of the catalogue for this library at
On 2005-10-02 23:06:06 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Saratoga Springs Reading Room
Location: Saratoga Springs, NY

This reading room was established by Gideon Minor Davison and was attached to Saratoga's newest hotel at the time, the Pavilion.
For details see page 53 and 69 (note 8) in Richard Gassan, "The First American Guide Books" in BOOK HISTORY v. 8 (2005).
Davison also operated a circulating library (cf McMullen 95263)
On 2005-07-17 22:24:25 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Scituate Library Company
Location: Scituate , RI

The charter for the Scituate Library Company is published in the Rhode Island General Assembly Report, February, 1796. (Warren: Printed by Nathaniel Phillips, 1796.)
On 2005-06-25 08:41:51 maureen dorment wrote:
Library Name: Warrell's Riverside Library
Location: Red Bank, NJ

Do you have nay other information on this library. I am researching Red Bank libraries and would appreciate any information that you can give me on this entry. Maureen Dorment
On 2005-06-24 11:25:51 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Ivy Hall Library
Location: Princeton, NJ

Founded in 1872 (per title page of 1886 printed catalogue), 'the ladies of Princeton maintain a library of their own, known as the Ivy Hall library, which contains about fifteen hundred well selected volumes; and they frequently enjoy courses of lectures on English Literature, History, and the Fine Arts, by some of the professors of the institutions.' (Hageman, History of Princeton, [1879] 2:412).
On 2005-04-18 20:05:30 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Fourth Ward Reading Room
Location: New York, NY

The New York Herald
February 5, 1861
"A public meeting was held last evening in the large hall of
the Cooper Institute for the purpose of aiding Mr. Orville
Gardner and the committee to carry on the charitable
institution located in the new Bowery, and known as the Fourth
Ward Reading Room - an institution intended to reclaim
drunkards and to prevent others from becoming such. Addresses
were made by Mr. Wm. C. Noyes, Rev. Dr. Chapin and Mr. Gardner,
and the sum of $230 was collected from the audience."
On 2005-03-30 09:37:28 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Foreign Library
Location: Boston, MA

See: Leslie Perrin Wilson, "No Worthless Books": Elizabeth Peabody’s Foreign Library, 1840-1852," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 99:1 (March, 2005). And the website:
On 2005-01-14 15:50:50 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: National Military Home - Putnam Library
Location: Dayton, OH

There is a large contemporary photograph of this library's interior reproduced on page 47 of the Fall 2003 Harvard Library Bulletin (New Series, Vol 14 No 3). Also found at Another interior image is at
On 2005-01-13 12:48:49 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Newburgh Historical Society
Location: Newburgh, NY

"This society was organized in February, 1845, by Rev. John Forsyth . . . and other gentlemen. . . . The society had an active existence for about two years, during which time a considerable collection of manuscripts, coins, minerals, etc., was made, now mainly preserved at Washington's headquarters."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 1 (1881; rpt. 980), 326.
On 2005-01-13 12:46:24 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Young Men's Mutual Improvement Society
Location: Newburgh, NY

"This society was organized Nov. 20, 1840 by . . . young men, who took an interest in it, but were debarred from participation in the debates instituted by the Mechanics' Library Association. The society attained considerable strength and accumulated a library of about 600 volumes, but after a year or two disbanded and transferred its books to the Mechanics."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 1 (1881; rpt. 1980), 326.
On 2005-01-13 12:42:39 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Free Library
Location: Newburgh, NY

More information comes from E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 1 (1881; rpt. 1980), 326: "By the act establishing the present system of free schools, the several school district libraries of the village were consolidated, and a single library established. The collection embraced some 2000 volumes, principally standard works. By subsequent purchases the number was increased to about 5000. In 1861 a union was effected with the Mechanics' Library Association, by which a material addition was secured, and in 1865, by an amendment to the free school law, the library thus formed became the Newburgh Free Library, with power in the Board of Education to provide for its maintenance by tax. During the year 1860 a very neat library building was erected, on Grand Street, by the Board of Education, and was occupied until its removal in 1874. The present commodious building was erected in 1876."
On 2005-01-13 12:36:34 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Newburgh Mechanics' Library Association
Location: Newburgh, NY

"This association was organized Nov. 27, 1838, by the joint exertions of a few individuals who felt deeply the necessity for an institution which should combine the advantages of a well-selected library with that of a debating society. . . . March 29, 1842, the association was incorporated, by an act of the Legislature, under the name of the 'Newburgh Mechanics' Library Association,' for the 'purpose of establishing and maintaining a library, reading-room, literary and scientific lectures, and other means of promoting the moral, intellectual, and mechanical improvement' of its members." The account goes on to say that the library "was collected by the contribution of books, and by purchases made from the proceeds of several fairs." Upon acquiring the books of the Newburgh Library Association, q.v., on September 23, 1847, the association had more than 3000 volumes. The library was "continued until 1861, when public attention having been called to the subject in a series of articles in the News,it was, by unanimous concurrence of the members, united with the school library and the foundation of the present free library established."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 1 (1980), 325-26.
On 2005-01-13 12:29:08 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Newburgh Library Association
Location: Newburgh, NY

"The Newburgh Library Association was organized December, 1835, by stock subscriptions. . . . The first books held by the association were donated to it by individuals. Subsequently funds were raised by fairs. In 1838 a regatta for the benefit of the library yielded $300; and during the same year Abm. M. Smith, by will, gave $500 to the association. It continued in existence until 1847, when it was united with the Mechanics' Library Association."
On 2005-01-13 12:23:32 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Monroe Library Association
Location: Monroe, NY

"The Monroe Library Association was founded Nov. 12, 1834. . . . This seems to have been an attempt to establish a public library at Monroe village, but there is little recollection of it remaining in that vicinity, and it is probable the movement only attained vitality enough to become incorporated."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 2 (1980), 800.
On 2005-01-13 12:19:49 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Franklin Library
Location: Warwick, NY

"The Franklin Library was legally organized March 10, 1814. . . . The paper was verified by the chairman before Judge John Steward, March 19, 1814. This shows something of the literary enterprise at Florida [sic] in an early day."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 2 (1980), 597. The wording says nothing about the holdings, which is contrary to the usual pattern for this particular work.
On 2005-01-13 12:16:49 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Warwick Library
Location: Warwick, NY

"The Warwick Library was founded by an association formed Dec. 12, 1814, at the house of Isaac Dolsen. . . . A small library was bought and the books put in circulation. . . . It lasted but a few years."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 2 (1980), 527.
On 2005-01-13 12:12:58 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Farmers' Library
Location: Mount Hope, NY

Incorporated Oct. 13, 1807. "The old library lasted twenty or thirty years, but the books were finally scattered and the enterprise was discontinued."--E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 2 (1980), 515.
On 2005-01-13 12:09:01 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Middletown Library
Location: Middletown, NY

Incorporated March 10, 1801. Reorganized in 1827 with a new constitution adopted on March 13. As of March 31, 1828, the library had 279 vols. It is not known how long the library lasted. Source is E. M. Ruttenber and L. H. Clark, History of Orange County, New York, vol. 2 (1980), 474. It may well be that "Middletown Library" is not the exact name.
On 2005-01-02 15:08:22 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Parish Library
Location: Stow , MA

John Langdon Sibley's Private Journal, 1846-1882 (HUG
1791.72.10) states in entry for September 2, 1857 that a parish library
was formed evidently during his years as a Unitarian minister there.
(See URL
On 2004-12-20 20:43:32 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: State Library
Location: Salt Lake City, UT

See Levi Edgar Young "The First Library in Utah" Young Woman's Journal v 21 no 10 Oct 1910 p 531-535
On 2004-12-18 22:03:13 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Reading Room
Location: Sioux Falls, SD

"Among the earliest towns to establish a reading room was Sioux Falls ... destined
to become South Dakota's largest municipality. Instigated by private citizen
Louisa Gale, the reading room opened in 1875 above the Williams Brother's store."
-- Lisa Lindell "Bringing Books to a 'Book-Hungry Land': Print Culture on the Dakota Prairie" Book History (2004) p 219.
On 2004-12-18 10:00:23 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Nucleus Club
Location: Brunswick, Maine

Source is Constitution, rules and orders, by-laws and library regulations of the Nucleus Club, instituted April 7, 1820 (Brunswick: Griffin's Press, 1830).
On 2004-12-05 18:16:39 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Pioneer Historical Society
Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Col. Charles Whittlesey, in his "Address," in Charter, constitution and by-laws, of the Cleveland Library Association, together with the XXIst annual report (Cleveland, 1867), writes, p. 28, of this institution: "In 1857 a Pioneer Historical Society was formed, which maintained an active existence until 1861. It has been the means of securing valuable papers, relating to the settlement of this city, and the townships of our county. The recent war put an end to its existence."
On 2004-12-05 18:09:50 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Academy of Natural Science
Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Col. Charles Whittlesey, in his "Address," in Charter, constitution and by-laws, of the Cleveland Library Association, together with the XXIst annual report (Cleveland, 1867), writes, p. 28 of this institution:
"An Academy of Natural Science was incorporated . . . in November, 1845.
"For a time the public manifested a lively interest, and contributed through the agency of a social fair, the sum of about one thousand dollars. It yet has a legal existence, but since the opening of the rebellion, has lapsed into a dormant condition. Its collections, in the rooms of the Medical College, are not convenient for the public, and no longer attract attention."
On 2004-12-05 18:03:10 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Mercantile Library
Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Col. Charles Whittlesey, in his "Address," in Charter, constitution and by-laws, of the Cleveland Library Association, together with the XXIst annual report (Cleveland, 1867), notes, p. 26, with reference to the Cleveland Library Association, under the year 1852-53: "2,201 volumes; power given to form a Lyceum. Lectures provided for, and incorporated with the Mercantile Library, which originated in 1850." Does this mean that the two institutions jointly sponsored lectures, or does it mean that that the Cleveland Library Association absorbed the Mercantile Library? In any case, it shows the existence of a mercantile library in Cleveland.
On 2004-12-05 17:56:52 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Sanford & Co's Circulating Library
Location: Cleveland, OH

Col. Charles Whittlesey, in his "Address," in Charter, constitution and by-laws of the Cleveland Library Association, together with the XXIst annual report (Cleveland, 1867)gives the names of some of the "active members" of the Young Men's Literary Association, formed in 1837. Of A. S. Sanford, he adds: "General Sanford had previously maintained a circulating library in connection with his book store."
On 2004-12-05 17:46:52 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Young Men's Literary Association
Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Col. Charles Whittlesey, in his "Address," in Charter, constitution and by-laws, of the Cleveland Library Association, together with the XXIst annual report (Cleveland, 1867), notes, p. 25, that the Young Men's Literary Association, organized in the fall of 1836, had 800 volumes in 1837. "About the year 1843" it was dissolved; and although some books were kept by members and others seized by creditors, "a few found their way into the present Library." Another Young Men's Literary Association was formed in 1846, which had 250 members in 1847. Although it kept the same name, its main goal was a library. It is this organization that, it seems, became the Cleveland Library Association in 1848, with 1,000 volumes. Whittelsey refes the reader to the preface to the library's catalog for further information, although here is a list of presidents, with numbers of volumes and number of members at a couple of dates.
On 2004-12-05 17:34:01 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Cleveland Reading Room Assoc.
Location: Cleveland, OH

Col. Charles Whittlesey, in his "Address," in Charter, constitution and by-laws, of the Cleveland Library Association,together with the XXIst annual report, notes, p. 25, that the Reading Room Association had "about two hundred paying subscribers" and that "all the leading newspapers were spread upon its desks and most of the leading magazines."
On 2004-11-24 17:29:39 Victoria Dow wrote:
Library Name: Library Assoc.
Location: West Chester, PA

The library was housed at various locations in the Borough of West Chester until 1888, when it moved into a fine new building at 415 North Church Street. The land for the building was donated by Hannah Darlington; architect was T. Roney Williamson; and the builder was Edward Paxson. Funding for the library came from a number of sources, including, by 1900, a steady income from the Borough itself. The building was expanded once, in 1916, to add a children's room. Since then, the library has served as a community library as well as a school library for the West Chester School District through the 1960s.
The most recent development in this library's existence: a thorough renovation and expansion of the 1888 building slated for completion in mid-2005. For photos of the building visit and click through to the "currently posted site."
On 2004-11-15 16:01:37 Judy Meadows wrote:
Library Name: Territorial Library
Location: Helena, MT

Our library was formed in the late 1860's. The first books arrived with the territorial judges appointed by Abraham Lincoln. The Montana State Library was spun off of us several decades later.
Judy Meadows
State Law Librarian of Montana
PO Box 203004 Helena, MT 59620

On 2004-11-15 15:57:37 David Stam wrote:
Library Name: Army Signal Office
Location: Washington, DC

"I can add that it ceased in 1891 when it merged with the Dept of Agriculture Library."
On 2004-11-11 13:55:31 Harriet Ehrsam wrote:
Library Name: Union Library Of Hatsboro
Location: Hallenbeck, PA

The Union Library Company of Hatboro is located in Hatboro PA. It seems to be listed as being in Hallenbeck in your database. It was established in 1755 and the notes about the first 59 books are correct. If I can give you any additional material please contact me. The library is celebrating its 250th anniversary in 2005.
Harriet Ehrsam
Library Director
On 2004-11-04 10:15:56 Ladies Library of Abington wrote:
Library Name: Abington Social Library
Location: Pomfret (Northeastern CT - Windham County), CT

The "Ladies Library of Abington" was organized in 1813 in the parish of Abington in the town of Pomfret, Windham county, Connecticut. In 1879 it formally united with the "United Library of Abington"(organized in 1815).
On 2004-11-01 15:52:25 Patricia Uttaro wrote:
Library Name: Farmers' Library Company of the Town of Ogden
Location: Ogden/Spencerport, NY

Founded in 1815, operated until mid-1870's when destroyed by fire; re-opened and chartered by NYS Board of Regents in 1908.
On 2004-10-27 13:20:21 Martha Imparato wrote:
Library Name: Washburn College
Location: Topeka, KS

When this library was founded in 1865, it was called Lincoln College Library. The name was changed in Nov. 1868 to Washburn College Library. Size of collection was 2,000.

Martha Imparato
Archives & Special Collections Librarian
Mabee Library
Washburn University
Topeka, KS
On 2004-10-17 13:45:55 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Philadelphia Almshouse
Location: Philadelphia, PA

"A house was lately built within the walls of the [Philadelphia] alms-house, for the purpose of having a Library room, ..." -- page 92, in The Philanthropist or Institutions of Benevolence / by a Pennsylvanian (Phila: Isaac Peirce, 1813). [This is almost 30 years earlier than the date given by McMullen.]
On 2004-10-07 22:21:48 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Fort Delaware Post Library
Location: Fort Delaware, DE

Henry Kyd Douglas, of Hagerstown, Maryland wrote: "In August, 1865, I was a prisoner in Fort Delaware, sent there by the sentence of a military commission. My imprisonment was not a harsh one, and what with the courtesy of the commanding officer, and free access to a well-filled library and the liberty of the island, my time passed easily if not rapidly." -- page 240,
Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 1843-1920. Recollections Grave and Gay (NY: Scribners, 1911)
On 2004-10-06 20:55:43 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Belleville Public Library
Location: Belleville, IL

Rhees notes that this was founded as a German Library in 1836.
On 2004-10-05 06:19:22 Ken Carpenter wrote:
Library Name: Lexington Athenaeum
Location: Lexington, KY

Books turned over to Lexington Library in 1824; see George W. Ranck, History of Lexington (1872), 196.
On 2004-09-27 14:51:40 Steve Casburn wrote:
Library Name: Missionary College of St. Augustine
Location: Benicio, CA

The proper spelling of the town name is "Benicia".

(Great database, by the way!)
On 2004-09-22 17:55:18 Paula Simpson wrote:
Library Name: Monteray Library Assoc.
Location: Monterey, CA

Mmore information about the Monterey Library is at URL
On 2004-09-22 10:53:36 Karen Nipps wrote:
Library Name: Ann Shallus's Circulating Library
Location: Philadelphia, PA

See note about this library in Libraries & Culture, Vol. 28, no. 3, (1993). See URL:
On 2004-09-19 22:26:49 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Book Company of Durham
Location: Durham, CT

According to Valerie Harrod, Director, Durham Public Library,
many of the books of the Book Company are in the possession of the
Durham Public Library as of June 2004. Also see article on this library in Library History Seminar No. 3, Proceedings l968.
On 2004-09-14 17:21:03 David Szewczyk wrote:
Library Name: Parsons' Library of the First Presbyterian Church
Location: Lockport, NY

First Presbyterian Church (Lockport, NY). Catalogue of books in the Parsons' Library of the First Presbyterian Church, Lockport, N.Y. 1883. Lockport, NY: James H. Murphy, printer, 3 Main Street, 1883. 12mo. 26 pp., [2] ff.
Library was founded by William Parsons who died in 1855 and left an endowment for the acquisition of books.
The Philadelphia Rare Books & Manuscripts Company (PRB&M) []
On 2004-09-14 16:13:28 Mary Rieder wrote:
Library Name: Warikesha Co. Agricultural Society
Location: Warikesha, WI

This should be Waukesha County Agricultural Society in Waukesha, WI.
On 2004-09-14 10:34:20 Fred Heath wrote:
Library Name: Wesleyan College
Location: Florence, AL

Alabama Wesleyan College was a predecessor to the regional university, University of North Alabama (formerly Florence State Teachers' College). One of the Wesleyan buildings remains on the campus; I do not know if any of the orignal books and other resources of the Wesleyan era survive as an identifiable corpus. The legendary Texan, Lawrence Sullivan Ross attended Alabama Wesleyan during the pre-civil war era.
On 2004-09-11 11:26:59 Cecile Jagodzinski wrote:
Library Name: Milner Library, Illinois State University
Location: Normal, IL

I used to work at Illinois State, and so have some knowledge of its history. The Unviersity was founded in 1857, and there were several small libraries from the beginning. All collections were centralized in 1890 with the hiring of the first librarian, Ange. Milner.

Let me know if I can provide you with more details.
On 2004-09-10 14:50:25 Nicholas Noyes wrote:
Library Name: Maine Historical Society
Location: Portland, ME

The Maine Historical Society, founded in 1822, was for most of its first century located at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine.
Toward the end of the 19th c, it relocated to Portland, and it 1907 dedicated it's Library Headquarters beside the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, left to the Society for the purpose of building here in Portland. So the two records (for MHS and "Hist Soc of Maine") should be merged.
On 2004-09-10 10:28:58 Tim Wilder wrote:
Library Name: Shelby Library
Location: Shelby , NY

I have a scrapbook containing manuscript "By Laws of Shelby [N.Y.] Library" (5 pp., 4to.) together with "Record of the Proceedings of the Shelby Library" (18 pp.), 1824-1839. The records cover the life of this subscription library, the last entry being a motion to dissolve the corporation and sell the books. The by-laws detail the terms and conditions for withdrawing and returning books and the minutes include the names of trustees, appointment of librarians and their salaries, monies expended for books, institution of a library seal (eagle within a circle), &c. The trustees and proprietors include the names of many of the pioneers of Shelby, a present-day township comprising several hamlets south of Medina, N.Y., in Orleans County. I have not found any reference to the number of volumes in the library, but the motion to dissolve includes a resolution "that the trustees make out a catalog[u]e of the Books and have it printed with an Advertisement of selling the same and be paid for procuring the same." Further information cheerfully provided upon request.
Tim Wilder
Timothy B. Wilder, Rare Books
Rochester, NY
On 2004-09-09 14:37:29 Arlene Shaner wrote:
Library Name: The New York Academy of Medicine Library
Location: New York, NY

The New York Academy of Medicine was founded in 1847 as an organization concerned with the regulation of mediicne and also as a kind of doctors' club. NYAM had a library almost immediately (the first books were donated at the second meeting). In the beginning the library was open only to Fellows of the Academy for their use, but late in 1878 the Council (the governing body of the institution), at the request of Samuel Smith Purple, MD, President, voted to open the collection to the public. We have been one of the only medical libraries open to the public for more than 125 years.
On 2004-09-09 11:31:38 ilhan citak wrote:
Library Name: Moravian College
Location: Bethlehem, PA

Locality on the database list appears as "Bethleham", it should be "Bethlehem"
On 2004-09-09 11:30:40 ilhan citak wrote:
Library Name: Lehigh University
Location: Bethleham, PA

Extras is not the right catalog card.
On 2004-09-09 11:29:01 ilhan citak wrote:
Library Name: Lehigh University
Location: Bethleham, PA

Locality is not "Bethleham" but it is "Bethlehem"
On 2004-08-20 11:59:20 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Rutgers College - Philoclean Society
Location: New Brunswick, NJ

Records of the Society are in the Archives at Rutgers University. See their cataloguing record and link to the finding aid for these records. >>
Philoclean Society (Rutgers University)
Title: Records, 1825-1927 (bulk 1825-1890)
Physical descrip: 6.5 cubic ft. (15 manuscript boxes)
Scope and content: Records of the Philoclean Society (1825-1927)
including correspondence, minutes, constitution and
by-laws, membership lists, addresses, committee
reports, and officers' reports. There are also
account books, receipts, dues books, library catalogs,
registers of books borrowed, clippings, and ephemera.
The majority of the records date from 1825-1894, with
thegreatest number of documents deriving from the
1830's through the 1850's. Records from the re-formed
Philoclean Society date from 1907-1927 and constitute
a significantly smaller part of the collection.
Activities of the society from 1920 to 1927 are
represented only by newspaper clippings.
Scope and content: The records detail the society's meetings,
correspondence, actions of committees, constitutional
changes, membership, financial affairs, and the
content and management of it's library. The records
also reveal the society's relationships with the rival
Peithessophian Society, the college faulty, local
businesses, alumni, and the public at large.
Correspondence includes letters from public figures,
alumni, businesses, and communications with the
Peithessophian Society and the faculty. Many of the
letters are responses to the society's offerings of
honorary membership and requests for speaking
engagements. Correspondents include John Quincy
Adams, William Cullen Bryant, James Buchanan, James
Fennimore Cooper, Thomas Alva Edison, Edward Everett,
Fitz-Greene Halleck, Washington Irving, Andrew
Jackson, Horace Mann, David Murray, Theodore Romeyn,
William Seward, Zachary Taylor, William Makepeace
Thackeray, John Tyler, Daniel Webster, Noah Webster,
and Henry A. Wise. It should be noted that
correspondence from these an other recognizable names
is usually limited to one or two letters. A listing
of correspondents for many of the letters concerning
honorary membership is contained in the finding aid.
Scope and content: Minutes (1825-1915 with gaps) include debate topics,
participants and winners, fines for absenses and
disorder, and proposed amendments. Constitution and
by-laws (1828-1915) contains revisions of the
constitutionwith amendments for the majority of the
society's existence. Membership Lists concentrate on
honorary members from 1825-1866. The Addresses,
1828-1919 (bulk 1828-1883) include inaugural addresses
given by the president of the society upon election.
The inaugural addresses from the most comprehensive
gathering of student essays in the collection, and,
include the addresses of William Elliot Griffis and
William H. S. Demarest. Commencement addresses, given
by well known orators, sponsored and published by the
society include those delivered by William Craig
Brownlee (1827), John Sergeant (1829), Theodore
Freylinghuysen (1831), John D. Ogilby (1833), David
Paul Brown (1835), Daniel D. Barnard (1837), Theodore
Romeyn (1847), Joseph P. Bradley (1849), George
William Brown (1851), Frederick T. Frelinghuysen
(1853), Charles Murray Nairne (1857), and Theodore W.
Dwight (1859).
Scope and content: Committee records, strongest from 1827 through the
1860*s, are the best source for information on the
internal politics of the society, as well as
documenting relations with the Peithessophian Society,
the faculty, and the administration. Treasurer's
records have survived consistently from 1825-1882 and
contain reports, account books, and loose receipts.
The Librarian's records, 1827-1889, reveal the
literary inclinations of 19th-Century college
students. Catalogs for the years 1828, 1834, 1837,
1850, 1867, and 1875 document the library's holdings.
The book of borrowers (1827-1889) records the reading
habits of individual students.

Electronic access: Electronic access to Finding Aid for Collection:

On 2004-08-19 23:54:31 Mihai Parparita wrote:
Library Name: Rutgers College - Peithosophian Society
Location: New Brunswick, NJ

Corporate author: Peithessophian Society (Rutgers University)
Title: Records, 1825-1927 (bulk 1825-1891, 1925-1927)
Physical descrip: 8 cubic ft. (16 manuscript boxes)
Scope and content: Records of the Peithesopphian Society date from
1825-1927. The bulk of the papers date from 1825-1891,
with a supplementary set of papers from the Society's
revival dating from 1923-1927. Sixteen manuscript
boxes contain minutes, correspondence, receipts and
reports. Bound volumes include Treasurer's Records
from 1831-1881. Constitutions and By-laws from
1830-1847 and 1876-1891 are also in bound volumes.
Minutes of the Society are in bound volumes and loose
papers in folders, covering the years 1825-1890 and
1923-1927. Bills and vouchers are in folders,
covering the years 1847-1884. There are
miscellaneous papers from 1826-1891, general
correspondence from 1828-1875, and 1923-1926.
Correspondence with the Philoclean Society, a rival
literary society at Rutgers, dates from
1820-1868.Addresses presented to the Society date from
1829-1882, and 1923-1926, some of which are bound.
There are lists of Honorary Members, bound, from
1825-1858 and Membership Record Books and Registrar's
Books from 1843-1879, and 1923-1926.
Scope and content: Librarian's Reports cover 1827-1882, and there are
also Library Catalogues for 1834 and 1864, and
Librarian's Circulation Registers from 1857-1886.
There are History and By-Laws dating 1923 and 1927,
and a Society photograph dated 1923. The records are
arranged in series and subseries, then arranged
chronologically. Appendix A lists the correspondents
to the Society, chronologically, giving name, date,
and address, with occasional notations. Appendix B
lists Addresses before the Society, with date, speaker
and title of Address, from 1829-1881. Appendix C
lists Addresses given before the Society during the
Society's revival from 1923-1924, plus a list of
undated addresses.
Electronic access: Electronic access to finding aid for collection:
On 2004-08-18 09:32:42 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Suffolk Circulating Library
Location: Boston, MA

Princeton Univ Library Parrish Collection / Disraeli 70 has label ofthe Suffolk Circulating Library giving conditions of use. (The bookis the Phila., 1827 edition of Vivian Gray.)
On 2004-08-17 23:07:55 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: New Brunswick Library Co.
Location: New Brunswick, NJ

The Princeton Univ. Library has records for this Library. See:
New Brunswick Library Company (N.J.)
Title: A catalogue of books belonging to the New Brunswick library company formed
by the junction of the Brunswick & Union library companies in the month of April, 1821 : manuscript,
Compiled/Created: 1821-1835.
Description: 1 v. (81 leaves); 42 cm.
Linking Notes: Forms part of the General Collection of Bound Manuscripts (C0199).
Summary Note: Catalog of books, written in unknown hand, belonging to the New Brunswick
Library Company, dated Nov. 27, 1821; together with circulation records (106 p.), dated 1821-1835.
Source of Acquisition: Purchase; Annie Rhodes Gulick and Alexander Reading Gulick Memorial Fund.
Subject(s): New Brunswick Library Company (N.J.)
Library catalogs--New Jersey--New Brunswick--19th century.
Library circulation and loans--New Jersey--New Brunswick--19th century.
Public libraries--New Jersey--New Brunswick--19th century.
New Brunswick (N.J.)--Library resources--19th century.
Form/Genre: Catalogs--New Jersey--New Brunswick--19th century.
Library catalogues--New Jersey--New Brunswick--19th century.
Location: Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS)
Call Number: Oversize C0199 (no. 1340)
On 2004-08-10 23:41:40 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Quincy Circulating Library
Location: Quincy, MA

Parrish Collection / Dickens 293 is copy of NY, 1841 ed of Master Humphrey's Clockin vol 2 is pasted-down slip 'Conditions of the Quincy Circulating Library'
On 2004-08-04 15:10:51 Jim Green wrote:
Library Name: Hospital Medical Library
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Surely this should be Pennsylvania HOspital medical library
On 2004-08-04 15:06:26 Jim Green wrote:
Library Name: Garret Noel's Circulating Library
Location: New York, NY

This should be *Garrat* Noel. See Kaser, Book for a Sixpence, p.26
On 2004-08-04 15:03:12 Jim Green wrote:
Library Name: Samuel London's Circulating Library
Location: New York, NY

This should be Samuel *Loudon* see Kaser, Book for a Sixpence, p.37
On 2004-08-02 20:36:18 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Princeton Library Co.
Location: Princeton, NJ

At the Princeton Univ. Library, there are records for the PrincetonLibrary Company. See: Princeton Library Company (Princeton, N.J.) Title: Account book for subscribers, Compiled/Created: 1812-1833. Description: 1 v. (172 p.) ; 21 x 18 cm. Summary Note: Account book for the Princeton Library Co., containing lists of subscribers with dates and purchase amounts. Source of Acquisition: Gift; C. Otto V. Kienbusch. Acc. no. AM 13809. Subject(s): Libraries--New Jersey--Princeton--History--19th century--Sources. Form/Genre: Account books--New Jersey--Princeton--19th century. Related Name(s): Von Kienbusch, Carl Otto Kretzschmar, 1884-1976, donor. Location: Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS) Call Number: C0199 (no. 861)
On 2004-07-20 15:35:07 Stephen Ferguson wrote:
Library Name: Old Warwick Library Assoc.
Location: Old Warwick, RI

The Princeton University Library has the records of this library. See the Library'scatalogue record:Author/Artist: Old Warwick Library Association (Warwick, R.I.) Title: Records, constitution, and by-laws of the Old Warwick Library Association : manuscript, Compiled/Created: 1847-1881. Description: 1 v. ([38] leaves); 21 cm. Summary Note: Record book of the Old Warwick Library Association, a social library instituted in Warwick, Rhode Island in 1847. Includes a manuscript copy of the constitution and by-laws followed by a list of members and meeting minutes, dated Dec. 6, 1847 - Nov. 1881. Source of Acquisition: Purchase from Palinurus Books, 2004. AM 2004- Location: Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS) Call Number: C0938 (no. 65)