Migrating to PostgreSQL 15 with Logical Replication

by Alicia Cozine, Anna Headley, Francis Kayiwa, and Trey Pendragon

In our previous post, we described how we decided to migrate a very large database using logical replication. In this post we will detail the steps we followed to make it happen.

How to Set Up Logical Replication

Before the migration really began, we set up logical replication. This recreated our very large database in an upgraded version of PostgreSQL.

To set up logical replication, we started with the AWS Database Migration Guide, then expanded and adapted the steps to our local environment.

Here’s how we did it:

First set up the publisher.

Next, set up the subscriber (for us it was our new PostgreSQL 15 machine).

Once replication was complete, we wanted to be sure our upgraded database had resilience built in, so we set up a warm standby in addition to our usual backup process.

How to Migrate the Application

You will want to modify the process below to suit your local environment. Make each step specific so you can copy and paste.

This is how we did it:

       quote_literal(quote_ident(sequence_namespace.nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(class_sequence.relname)) ||
       ', COALESCE(MAX(' ||quote_ident(pg_attribute.attname)|| '), 1) ) FROM ' ||
       quote_ident(table_namespace.nspname)|| '.'||quote_ident(class_table.relname)|| ';'
FROM pg_depend 
    INNER JOIN pg_class AS class_sequence
        ON class_sequence.oid = pg_depend.objid 
            AND class_sequence.relkind = 'S'
    INNER JOIN pg_class AS class_table
        ON class_table.oid = pg_depend.refobjid
    INNER JOIN pg_attribute 
        ON pg_attribute.attrelid = class_table.oid
            AND pg_depend.refobjsubid = pg_attribute.attnum
    INNER JOIN pg_namespace as table_namespace
        ON table_namespace.oid = class_table.relnamespace
    INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS sequence_namespace
        ON sequence_namespace.oid = class_sequence.relnamespace
ORDER BY sequence_namespace.nspname, class_sequence.relname;

The migration itself took one hour and 13 minutes - much better than our original estimate of two days. Some of this time was spent looking for connections in the old database and reassuring ourselves that the application was really using the new database. All our earlier work paid off hugely.

We got longer-term benefits from the work we put in as well. Now we can spin up a new database cluster with confidence when we need one. We can use Ansible to run SQL commands. And we can tune the PostgreSQL cluster for our Figgy application, optimizing memory usage for our largest database.

In our next post we discuss how to set up a warm standby with streaming replication.